Monday, May 3, 2010

French Empire and the New World

The story of the French empire starts when they try to set up Brazil as their colony, in 1555. The French named Rio de Janeiro, as France Antarctique, but their success didn’t last long, since the Portuguese and Spanish were also colonizing Brazil, the French go beaten and Brazil was not longer a French colony.
The France had more success colonizing North America in early 1600’s. The relationship between French and Native American was really good. The French were tolerant to the Indians and to try to get their confidence they used to give Indians presents. Also due the French being the minority in the new colony, and the difficulty to bring French people, the government encouraged the intermarriage, so French men were paid to marry Indian women.
Since the first French’s colonizers were missionaries, there was an attempt to convert the Indians into Catholicism, and the Indians could not to be enslaved.
The treatment that French had in relation to their American colonies was a patriot relationship; American colonies were considered as part of France.
Although the French has alliances with various Native American tribes, there were conflicts between French and Native Americans.
In 1699, French territorial claim in North American expanded, because of this expansion, the French also began to build a smaller empire in West Indians and South America coast, where is today French Guiana.
The French also expanded thought to Caribbean Islands, and French also colonized places like Guadalupe, Martinique and Saint Lucia.
All these colonies were sustained through slavery, which came from the Africa slave trade. The French had the Code Noir, which ruled the slave’s codes in national level.
The most important Caribbean colonial possession came in 1664, when the colony of Saint-Domingue (Haiti) was founded. Saint-Domingue was half possessed by France and half by Spain. Saint-Domingue was the richest sugar Colony in Caribbean.
French colonial expansion was not limited to the New World, French also had a lot of colonies in West Africa